debra archuleta district attorney candidate judge prop 47 debate

Judge Archuleta Weighs In On Prop 47 and Slams Gascón’s Unacceptable Case Backlog During Los Angeles Magazine District Attorney Debate

Prop 47: Lack of Enforcement is the Problem

On January 18th, Judge Archuleta participated in Los Angeles Magazine‘s DA Candidate Debate. During the debate, Judge Archuleta weighed in on controversial Prop 47, arguing that lack of enforcement is the problem: “Prior to George Gascón becoming the District Attorney of L.A. County, we did not have the issues with the quality of life crimes that we do now. What was different? We have an ideologically driven DA who refuses to follow the law as it is currently written… He has over 14,000 misdemeanor cases sitting on his desk because he refuses to prosecute misdemeanors and quality of life crimes. That needs to change, not Prop 47.”

Later on in the event, Judge Archuleta railed on supposedly progressive policies that leave homeless Angelenos vulnerable on the streets: “I know it’s the progressive point of view to let these people live under tarps and tents when it’s 38 degrees and raining, like it’s going to be this weekend. This is the attitude of the District Attorney; this is progressive; this is compassionate. No ladies and gentlemen, it’s inhumane. These people are drug addicted, they need to be forced into treatment with consequences for failing to participate.”

To learn more about Judge Archuleta’s stance on the issues that matter most, click here.



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