police protective league south gate candidate domestic violence survivor district attorney candidate los angeles county safer judge

Letter to the Editor: Backing Archuleta for D.A.

In less than a year, a new district attorney for L.A. County will be elected to replace the current one.
In all seriousness, if anyone of our 16,000 voters in our city believes the current D.A. is worthy to stay in that position, my email is sbkoury@aol.com, I want to hear from you.

Locally, we have a candidate that is worthy of being our county’s next D.A.

This candidate is currently a sitting judge. Her name is Debra Archuleta. She and her husband have lived in our city of LCF for many years.

You may be curious as to why someone is touting this person now? Do you know her? Do you know her competition? Do you know the sitting D.A. for L.A. County? Does he have a negative or positive connotation? My first reason to tout Ms. Archuleta is civic pride. When have we ever had one of our residents run for D.A. of L.A. County? The second is her commitment to imposing consequences for two well publicized situations: smash and grabs, and free bail outs. We pay for this lack of prosecution in higher prices in our stores. Our own Ms. Archuleta is dedicated and is obligating herself to prosecute criminals. Period.

My concern is you, we, us! Why? Most of us do not know the judge as a local resident. If you and I played a numbers game, we could take our 16,000 voters in our city, mention Debra’s name to two other people outside LCF but within L.A. County, and let’s assume they mention her name to two others. All of us now have been part a possible 100,000 votes for Debra. Before today, most likely only a few of us knew her.

Just a few more facts: Nine candidates have declared for the March primary. Only two will go forward to face off in November for district attorney of L.A. County. Please consider promoting Debra to win the primary and then let’s communicate before November. In the meantime, please get to know Judge Debra Archuleta. She plays pickleball and she is approachable.

Visit her at: judgedaforda.com.

Bill Koury
La Cañada Flintridge

First published online on the Outlook Valley Sun’s Website here. First published in the December 14 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun.




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